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Relationships, Responsibilities, and Relevance

"Recently, thanks to AEA member June Gothberg, representatives from AEA and Statistics Without Borders (SWB) met to discuss potential collaborative efforts. Notes June, 'I am passionate about both AEA and SWB and saw possibilities of working together for the betterment of both groups - and for the international programs served by SWB. SWB is doing some amazing work that really makes a difference.'

The meeting was a success and now we'd like to introduce you to SWB. SWB is an apolitical all-volunteer outreach group of the American Statistical Association.

The group was formed in 2008 to provide pro bono statistical support to organizations involved in international health issues. Although the group started out small, it has quickly grown to involve over 500 volunteer statisticians around the world who provide pro bono consultancy activities. Note that we define 'health' very broadly..."


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Relationships, Responsibilities, and Relevance